A Family Man, at Work and at Home | Bill Taylor

There’s a certain joy you feel as you watch your family grow in number. There’s a similar feeling when your company does the same, especially when you can call them family.
Without a doubt, William Taylor, known as Bill around the office, is one of the longest standing members of Tanner Pharma Group. He’s General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Legal & Compliance, but you’d never guess. Bill could boast an impressive twenty years of service to the company, only, he doesn’t boast at all. If you were new to the company and never asked, Bill’s history would come as a surprise. If you decided to ask, however, Bill would discuss his work with Tanner not highlighting himself, but all those he’s worked with along the way. That’s been one of his greatest joys on the job – the people.
He enjoys learning from their expertise, and he appreciates the care they demonstrate through their work ethic. “I appreciate the knowledge other people have, and the fact that you can use that knowledge to do better in your own work. I’ve never seen a company where everyone is motivated to do the right thing!”
From Bill’s perspective, he has contributed his time and effort to the company, but he is only a part of the Tanner whole. The achievements of the other employees over the years are not something he could ignore even if he tried. That’s why today he looks back with such a deep appreciation for what others have offered. Tanner taught him that and he has had twenty years now to build this gratitude.
Two of the first people who come to mind when thinking about Tanner are Carolina Cortez and Maryori Alvarenga. Carolina joined in 2003 and not long thereafter Maryori joined the company as well – just in time to assist, with their special skills, when Tanner was developing its business in Mexico and South America.
Another more recent person that stands out is his assistant Lizza Pinch, who joined the company in January 2019; she has since brought on two additional paralegals, giving Bill a “little law firm.” With the additional help, they’ve been able to accomplish much more work. They have such a compatibility working together they’ve been finishing each other’s sentences.
Then, there was the leadership of Banks Bourne and Steve Scalia, and Bill can’t forget about Tanner’s collaboration with The Max Foundation. No matter where the job took him or who he worked with, work seemed to be win-win for everyone – patients benefitted, the company grew, employees enjoyed their jobs and Bill was growing within himself while making an impact on the community. “Our folks don’t fight. They work and compromise to try to do what’s right. That’s the whole thing. We hire good people and give them the resources they need to do what they need to do, and they do it well.”
Twenty years have passed, and Bill can say he has never burned out. Not once. He has no doubt that this wouldn’t be true working for another company. He found a company that delights in its craft and in its employees; in turn, work came naturally for Bill and he was happy to deliver.
Back in the day, when Tanner was BurnsAdler Pharmaceuticals, Bill’s position for the company looked different. He was the Director of Legal Affairs, collaborating with lawyers from across the world as Tanner expanded its community outreach, but he and the other handful of employees, including founder and CEO, Banks Bourne, had to wear many hats to make sure things got done. As the company grew, Bill and the others were able to share the load with new team members.
Today, that close-knit starter group has grown into a company that extends beyond national and continental borders; and, as the “Tanner family” continues to grow, the tight bonds have not been lost. Bill hopes that remains true, and that as people continue to join Tanner, they’ll be motivated to serve and help out, just like a family. For now, this company veteran will continue to work with a smile on his face, supporting all those he comes across.