International Women’s Day 2023
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women and raising awareness about women’s equality. Learn more about what International Women’s Day means to some of our Tanner team members.
What Does International Women’s Day Mean to You?

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the givers of life in our society and how far we have come. Women in this century have never had more opportunity or voice, but there continues to be a disparity in Women’s Rights in different areas of the world. This day reminds me to look to the powerful women in my life and to thank them for continuing to use their voices and take up space.”
Rilee Humphries, Senior Business Analyst
“For me this day represents another step along the path to women being viewed as equals and as worthy of recognition as anyone else. Whilst we may not be in all the top jobs or earning as much as our male colleagues – we are getting there!
I am lucky to not only work with amazing women every day but to also have strong and capable women as friends. Each has their own skills – some juggle a full-time career with raising a family, some are showing strength in dealing with illnesses yet managing to still smile and get through each day. Some are in historically “male” roles and carving their own way through a tough environment. Each and every one of us is proving that women can do anything.
Women are strong. Women are expert multi-taskers. Women are capable of whatever we put our minds to.”
Helen Austen, ESG Manager

“We, as women, have overcome many obstacles, not only personally but culturally and socially. We have the biggest jobs in life: to give birth, raise children, and fight for a better future for ourselves and our next generations. We sometimes believe that we do not have the power to achieve all our dreams, but if we take a close look at our lives, we are capable of achieving everything we want. We just need to trust and believe in ourselves.
We have fought for many years, and we have won many battles and now we have a different mindset than decades ago. We can be whoever we want to, and we deserve all the happiness in the world.”
Erica Poveda, Recruiter
“To me International women’s day is the prime example of how much women’s rights have moved forward, but it is also a reminder of how much more work needs to be done. I believe this is still a fight that has not been won and until all women around the world can truly live freely and as an equal member of a society, International Women’s day will still be a reminder of the work that is needed.”
Margarita Chala, Commercial Operations Director TannerLAC

“For me, International Women’s Day represents everything we have achieved and everything we are yet to conquer. We are worthy and powerful and deserve everything we have fought for and want in this life. This day is just a reminder of all women’s contributions to having a dignified and equal place for all.”
Karen Burgos, Human Resources Manager
“For me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate our strength as women and honor all that we have achieved and will achieve. There is a quote by my favorite poet Pablo Neruda that says ‘You can cut all the flowers but you can not keep spring from coming.’ That is how I feel as a woman. We are an unstoppable force and no matter the challenge we will overcome it because it is in our nature to grow and progress and enable others to do the same. “
Lindsey Paternoster, Sr. Marketing, Comms & PR Manager

“I have such mixed emotions when I think of the meaning of International Women’s Day. First is joy. As a women, I know we have many roles in our lives. Whether that is daughter, sister, mother, friend, co-worker, etc. The expectations are great and every single day I see women everywhere being there for others, supporting the team or their family even in the midst of their own personal trials and tribulations. Women continue to succeed no matter the challenges that are in their way. That gives me a source of strength and conviction knowing I’m not alone and we CAN achieve anything we want.
Along with this feeling of joy and pride I have in being a women, I also remain hopeful. Just in the fact that there is a day dedicated to women, it indicates that we must put a reminder out there to highlight women and what we are capable of in this world.
Where we’ve come a LONG way in the last 60 years, there is still a lot of work to do to substantiate that we are indeed equal in the workforce and as a partner. This platform allows us to step back and appreciate all the sacrifices and support of women around the world that helped get us to where we are today. Thank you for those women that came before me, my peers and my mother for paving the way. Your courage and conviction did not go unnoticed. For young girls and women today, follow your heart and know that only WE can put limits on ourselves. Know you’re worthy and can set any goal you want in life. Don’t settle. Search for fulfillment and challenge yourself to make a difference in this world. I’m so lucky to have been surrounded by people that believed in me, but we must first believe in ourselves and then anything is possible. HAPPY International Women’s Day!”
Katie Smoot, EVP of Business Operations