Terms and Conditions (Tanner as Seller)

Terms and Conditions (Tanner as Seller)

These terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the purchase of products and/or services by you or your company (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”) from the Tanner entity (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”) named on the Pro Forma or final Invoice (hereinafter either referred to as “Invoice”) into which these Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference. These Terms & Conditions are an integral part of any transaction between Seller and Buyer for the supply of goods, products, materials or services (“Deliverables”) to Buyer and, together with the Invoice, shall constitute the complete agreement between the Seller and Buyer in connection with any transactions between Seller and Buyer unless otherwise revised in writing and agreed to by the Buyer. In the event there is a Purchase Order or Services and/or Supply Agreement generated between the parties covering the Deliverables, these Terms & Conditions shall prevail. Any additional or different Terms & Conditions proposed by the Buyer or contained in any form (including but not limited to a Purchase Order) are hereby rejected. Either the Buyer or the Seller may be referred to individually as a “party” or together as the “parties”.  Unless modified in writing by mutual agreement of the parties, the following terms shall be an integral part of any agreement between Buyer and Seller:

  1. Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all product purchases between you and the Seller and may NOT be altered, supplemented, or amended by you through the use of any other document(s).  Any attempt to alter, supplement, or amend these Terms and Conditions, or to enter an order for product(s) which is (are) subject to additional or altered terms and conditions, will be null and void, unless otherwise agreed to in a written agreement signed by both you and the Seller. Unless otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, negotiations, representations and warranties, and communications, both written and oral between the parties regarding these arrangements, other than the Seller’s credit terms and any other forms and agreements completed as part of the Seller’s account application process; and cannot be amended unless each party agrees in writing. The terms of these Terms and Conditions prevail over any of Buyer’s general terms and conditions of purchase regardless whether or when Buyer has submitted its purchase order or such terms.  Fulfillment of Buyer’s order does not constitute acceptance of any of Buyer’s terms and conditions and does not serve to modify or amend these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Pricing and Payment Terms. All payments to the Seller shall be made in full, in good funds, and in accordance with the payment terms on your Invoice, via ACH direct debit or other payment forms acceptable to the Seller. Until product is paid for in full, the Seller retains, and you hereby grant the Seller, a security interest in the ordered products.  The Seller may assess a service charge calculated at the rate of 1.5% per month (or the maximum rate allowed by law, if such rate is less than 1.5% per month) on any amount not paid to the Seller when due.  Failure or delay by the Seller to Invoice you for any such service charge will not waive the Seller’s right to receive the same. In the event of default in payments on any Invoices, the Seller shall have the right to declare all Invoices immediately due and payable.  You agree to pay all out-of-pocket expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, incurred by the Seller to collect any amounts due from you or to otherwise enforce any of the terms stated herein.  The Seller (including its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent or related entities, individually or collectively) may exercise a right of set-off against any and all amounts due to you.  The Seller shall be deemed a single creditor for purposes of this section.  You agree to pay all applicable taxes as part of your purchase.
  3. Data Processing – Product Transactions. You understand that the Seller may use your information to produce reports and documents needed for product transactions and to provide such information to health regulatory authorities if required by applicable laws and regulations and you acknowledge that said reports and documents may include your Confidential Information, product names, purchasing dollars and such other information that is subject to laws and regulations governing privacy. This clause shall not apply to personal information which shall be governed by clause 4 below.
  4. Data Privacy and Consent.
    For purposes of protecting personal information that is regulated under governing laws, and to the extent required by law, Seller and Buyer agree as follows:
    • Data Storage by Seller. Seller shall store personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    • Use of Personal data by Seller. Seller shall use personal data only to the extent necessary to complete the product transaction(s) and only in accordance with applicable laws.
    • Consents. Buyer shall obtain all consents, including but not limited to any patient consent needed, that are required to complete transactions contemplated by the parties pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.  Seller has informed the Buyer about the Seller’s “Data Privacy Policy”, and Buyer agrees to comply with said Data Privacy Policy.  Upon Buyer’s request, Seller will provide Buyer with an electronic copy of Seller’s Data Privacy Policy; further, a hard copy of said Data Privacy Policy will be made available to the Buyer upon written request.
  5. Confidentiality. You agree that all information provided to you by the Seller, which is not publicly known, including but not limited to purchase terms, costs, and pricing are confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties. Each party and its employees/representatives will protect all proprietary and confidential information (“Confidential Information”) disclosed by the other and not use or disclose it unless legally required or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations that apply to the parties. Confidential Information does not include information available on a non-confidential basis; known or able to be formulated by the receiving party; or required to be disclosed by law.  Pricing is strictly confidential.  
  6. Adherence to Seller’s Terms and Conditions. By placing an order for products and/or services from the Seller you agree to be bound by and accept the terms of these Terms and Conditions (in the absence of an earlier signed formal written agreement between you and the Seller governing your purchases). Orders are not binding upon the Seller until accepted by the Seller. The Seller reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.  The Seller will indicate its acceptance of an order by issuing an Invoice or by shipping the ordered items to you.
  8. Incoterms and Damages to the product in transit.
    • Incoterms. All orders are considered Free Carrier (“FCA”) as published in Incoterms 2010 by the International Chamber of Commerce or the latest edition thereof unless otherwise agreed to by the parties on a specific product purchase order.
    • Damages while in Transit.
      Any claims by a party receiving products must be made within one (1) business day of receipt of delivery and confirmed in writing including any images of damage/contamination/tampering etc. plus account and Invoice numbers.  If the shipping packaging is damaged in any way, please check contents in front of the carrier and sign carrier’s sheet in accordance with actual condition and quantity of contents.
    • Title and risk of loss.  
      Title and risk of loss pass upon delivery.
  9. Force Majeure. Seller’s failure to perform due to force majeure or other events beyond its control will be excused.
  10. Returns & Recalls. Buyer is not permitted to return product to the Seller, except as a result of an order fulfillment error by the Seller.  All returns must first be discussed with and approved by Seller. In such case, you may only return product purchased from the Seller and for which you provide the Invoice number, purchase date, and any other information requested by Seller in the return approval.  The Seller may reject returns that do not have an Invoice number and/or purchase date or that exceed the amount of the referenced Invoice.  The Seller may refuse all future returns from you if you submit for return any counterfeit, adulterated or other product that does not comply with terms in its for-return return authorization, the Seller may refuse it and all future returns from you. If a supplier notifies the Seller of a product recall, you will receive prompt notice of the recall per the supplier’s notice.  Any returns require a return authorization number issued by the Seller and will require DAP incoterms.  Any loss or damage will be the Buyer’s responsibility.
  11. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations. All parties who are to be subject to these Terms and Conditions shall comply with all laws and regulations that apply to such party. The Seller policies require all parties to comply with Good Distribution Practices at all times, while products are in storage and in transport.  While products are under a party’s care, that party shall endeavor to safeguard said products received from suppliers or sent to our customers from factors that may adversely affect the safety and efficacy of the products.
  12. Adverse Events. Each party will provide the other party with all information available to such party that such other party may reasonably require to comply with its Safety Data Exchange responsibilities under applicable Law, including notice of any Adverse Drug Experiences from pre-clinical or clinical laboratory, animal toxicology and pharmacology studies, clinical trials and commercial experiences with any product, whether by such party, its affiliates or its sublicensees. Buyer agrees to inform Seller via email at AE@tannerpharma.com within twenty-four (24) hours of any Adverse Event or suspected Adverse Event that it becomes aware of for any Product it has procured from Seller.
  13. Licenses, Permits and Approvals. You warrant that you have all required governmental licenses, permits and approvals required to purchase, use and/or store the products you purchase from the Seller. The Seller may immediately terminate your ability to make purchases if the Seller determines that you or any facility owned, operated, or managed by you, directly or indirectly, has breached this provision.  You will comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to products purchased hereunder.
  14. Warranties; Assignment of Warranties. The Seller does not manufacture any products and disclaims all warranties for products and services. THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES UNDER THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OUR SOLE OBLIGATION AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY WILL BE, AT OUR OPTION, TO REPAIR OR REPLACE THE PRODUCT.  These warranties cannot be created by any source.  The Seller will not be liable for special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages (including lost profits) of any type. Since the Seller is not the manufacturer of goods, the Seller assigns all representations and warranties made by the manufacturer of the goods to you, to the extent practicable.  The Seller will reasonably cooperate with you in enforcing the warranties to the extent commercially reasonable.
  15. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES OF ANY NATURE OR FOR LOST REVENUE, LOST PROFITS OR LOST BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE SELLER OR THE USE OF PRODUCTS OR SELLER’S FAILURE TO DELIVER ORDERED PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER’S LIABILITY FOR ANY ORDER UNDER THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS EXCEED THE FEES ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH ORDER. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any situation where the Seller is negligent or otherwise mishandles the storage or distribution of the products that results in damage to the products, The Seller shall, in amount not to exceed the replacement value of the damaged products, be responsible for its negligence or mishandling of the storage or distribution of the products.  The prevailing party in any legal action, including a bankruptcy action, may recover all costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.  A waiver or delay in enforcing these Terms and Conditions will not deprive a party of its right to act later or due to another breach.
  16. Insurance. Buyer shall, at all times and at its own expense, maintain and carry insurance in full force and effect which includes, but is not limited to, commercial general liability (including product liability) in such amounts that is standard for companies such as the Buyer in its industry with financially sound and reputable insurers. Upon Seller’s request, Buyer shall provide Seller with a certificate of insurance from Buyer’s insurer evidencing the insurance coverage specified in herein. The certificate of insurance shall name Seller as an additional insured. Buyer shall provide Seller with commercially reasonable advance written notice in the event of a cancellation or material change in Buyer’s insurance policy. Except where prohibited by law, Buyer shall require its insurer to waive all rights of subrogation against Seller’s insurers and Seller.
  17. Indemnification. Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller and Seller’s directors, officers, employees and agents from all suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, direct and indirect damages and other liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and consequential, incidental and special damages) that Seller may incur or be obligated to pay as a result of (i) Buyer’s negligence, use, ownership, maintenance, transfer, transportation or disposal of the products; (ii) Buyer’s breach or alleged breach of any representation or warranty, or any other term or condition of these Terms and Conditions or any relevant purchase order; and (iii) Buyer’s violation or alleged violation of any federal, state, county or local laws or regulations including, without limitation, the laws and regulations governing product safety, labeling, packaging and labor practices.
  18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction.
    • www.Tannerpharma.com
      • These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina, USA when the Tanner entity named on the particular Invoice is located in the United States. Whenever the Tanner entity named on the particular Invoice is located outside of the United States, the laws of England and Wales shall govern these Terms and Conditions, as though made and to be fully performed therein without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof. If a dispute arises between the parties in connection with these Terms and Conditions, the complaining party must notify the other party in writing regarding the nature of the dispute. Upon receipt of such notice, the parties shall work together in good faith to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days, either party may file suit in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina or London, England depending on the Tanner entity named on the particular Invoice as stated above in this clause 18. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and each party hereto waives and agrees that it shall not assert that such forum is inconvenient or improper. The parties specifically waive any rights and obligations under any applicable provisions of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods.
    • www.tannerhealth.com
      • The purchase of products and/or services by Buyer from Seller shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted as though made and to be fully performed in the UK without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof. If a dispute arises between the parties in connection with these Terms and Conditions, the complaining party must notify the other party in writing regarding the nature of the dispute. Upon receipt of such notice, the parties shall work together in good faith to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days, either party may file suit in London, England. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and each party hereto waives and agrees that it shall not assert that such forum is inconvenient or improper. The parties specifically waive any rights and obligations under any applicable provisions of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods.
  19. No Waiver. Failure to enforce a right does not waive it.
  20. Notices. Notices must be in writing and sent by overnight courier service with delivery confirmation to other party’s address set forth on the purchase order unless changed by written notice to the other party.  Each party agrees to email notices with proof of email delivery required to its business email address that has been provided to the other party hereinbelow.
  21. Assignment. These Terms and Conditions are for the benefit of, and binds the heirs, successors and assigns of, each party. However, you may only assign your rights or delegate your duties under these Terms and Conditions, including by merger, change in control, asset sale, operation of law or otherwise, with Seller’s prior written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed).  You consent to the Seller assigning part or all of its obligations to any affiliate and to assigning or granting a security interest in these Terms and Conditions in connection with any financing or securitization by the Seller or any affiliate.
  22. Survival. Provisions of these Terms and Conditions which by their nature should apply beyond their terms will remain in force after any termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions.
  23. Severability. If any term or provision of these Terms and Conditions are invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of these Terms and Conditions or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction.
  24. Interpretation. The term “including” means “including, without limitation,”. These Terms and Conditions do not create or confer any rights in or to any third party.
  25. Miscellaneous. No verbal agreements amending the above terms a valid unless they are duly confirmed in writing by both parties. These Terms and Conditions have been generated electronically and is valid without signature and upon receipt.

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