PTX Partnership
Leaping beyond boundaries
In collaboration with Partner Therapeutics (PTx), we have created the LeAP Program (Leukine Access Program) to leap international borders and reach more patients than ever before.

Gaining access to international markets.
LEUKINE ®, approved by the US FDA in 1991, is a recombinant granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) that stimulates the immune system and has been used in leukemia patients to reduce the risk of infection. In 2018, Partner Therapeutics, Inc. (PTx) acquired the global rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize Leukine ® (sargramostim) from Sanofi. As a small company, PTx did not have the internal resources to handle international requests for the drug and didn’t know how they could successfully support patients outside the US, in full regulatory compliance, especially since the product was not registered in other geographies.
A partnership with Tanner Pharma Group.
Tanner was selected by PTx to manage international inquiries and handle all international requests and distribution. While Tanner was handling all PTx requests outside the US and Canada, the agreement expanded to building awareness to increase access to the legacy molecule in international markets. In order to build awareness and to ensure that patients internationally had access to the product, Tanner and PTx created the LeAP Program (Leukine Access Program) to reach even more patients internationally.
15,000+ units shipped across 13 countries.
Through this access program, Tanner has managed international requests for Leukine and has shipped more than 15,000 vials of product internationally for patients in 13 countries outside the US. This program also helped provide access to Leukine a clinical trial in Belgium that evaluated the drug in COVID-19 patients.
For access regarding the Leukine® Access Program (only if approved in your location), connect with a TannerLEAP representative: Leukine@tannerpharma.com
We are proud of these results, yet are far from done. There is still important work to do.
See how we allocate a percentage of every revenue dollar that we make to philanthropic giving.
PTX Partnership
In collaboration with Partner Therapeutics (PTx), we have created the LeAP Program to reach more patients than ever before.
Max Access Solutions
Tanner has partnered with The Max Foundation to operate the Max Access Solutions care model.
Clinical Trial Sourcing
Learn how we utilized our global network to ensure continuity in supply chain throughout a full clinical trial lifecycle.
Licensing, Acquisition & Commercialization
See how we enable uninterrupted distribution of products into international markets.
Carbon Reduction Plan